As always, insightful, informative and the credibility of the source is without question. Amazing Jimmy

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Jimmy, your view of government is primitive because you fail to acknowledge the importance of who controls the government. Please read and encourage your readers to read Democracy in Chains by Nancy MacLean. We will always need government for projects that require coordination among large groups of people, like highways and dealing with global pandemics. When billionaires control the government, as they currently do, every crisis is an opportunity for them to further enrich and empower themselves.

There is and has always been a struggle, many struggles between those who would expand the rights of ordinary citizens and those who would create oligarchy. Right now, we are being pushed towards a police state. Bitcoin has many wonderful attributes to protect individuals from billionaire controlled government. But make no mistake, if fascism is the path, when they hold a gun to the head of someone you love, you will surrender them. Bitcoiners cannot avoid either empowering the fascists, or fighting for democracy. And yes, democracy implies government.

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A must read newsletter. Thank you, Jimmy!

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