Hey Jimmy! I'm reaching out to reporters and Crypto specialists representing the project @immutabledao. Our first product called DARA is an extension that grants its users to freely store Medium (substack is next) posts on the IPFS and makes it human-readable guaranteeing that it is free to access, untampered, and universally accessible. We have an extensive plan which includes granting anonymity to its users. Our Angel investor is Zheng 'Bruce' Li, NKN founder, which hints at how we are going forward from here.

We believe in knowledge and its immediate need to be secured. This goes very hand in hand with Crypto's philosophy. I believe we as humans have a deep-rooted need to store knowledge forever and our platform-agnostic stance looks at history has a deep understanding of how knowledge thrives and needs a very flexible attitude.

I would like to invite you to read more about our project in dara.global and be one of our beta testers. It will come out in the following weeks. We want all our products to have free features, forever, and some other premium features.

If you would like to reach out to me on other mediums, I'm on lucasvinzon@gmail.com and @LucasVinzon on twitter.


Lucas Vinzon

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like the gospel it's both word AND action.

... the best witness for bitcoin is both sharing explicitly (with words, yo) and also modeling a decentralized mindset as well as the results of one's belief in bitcoin.

this is partly why maximalists infuriate me... not because they believe in the ascendancy of bitcoin (i think there's a good shot at this) but because they buy, hold, and just sit. they don't do anything with it. a lot of christians are like this. they only got one half of it right. you have to believe and then go DO stuff with that belief. most maximalists are silent and quiet and never really talk about it. what's the point of that?

a real bitcoiner is one that talks about it and models it through lifestyle design. they use bitcoin, not just keep it hidden.

lamp on a hill...

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