... except, you've gone too far. you entirely accept "trusted, 3rd parties" in a lot of what you already do. i mean, you trust in a "3rd party" called jesus too... you don't manage, own, or control the trinity... you trust, from what you've read and experienced, that what they say is what will happen. just like bitcoin.

... don't throw the baby out with the bath water. your maximalism can get in the way of reality and make you a hypocrite. this is the way of the pharisee / sadduccees... they got too hype about one particular perspective they missed the larger frame.

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We greatly appreciated your post. It resonates with a series we've written--inspired by Cantor's essay--that seeks to extend his hyperreality framework. We dedicated our series to Cantor's memory, as he sadly passed away in 2022. https://bewaterltd.com/s/the-sorcerers-apprentice

P.S. FYI there is an extended edition of the original Cantor essay, found in this collection: https://cdn.mises.org/Literature%20and%20the%20Economics%20of%20Liberty%20Spontaneous%20Order%20in%20Culture_2.pdf

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